Elevate your practice and broaden your impact in the mental health and wellness landscape with our comprehensive F.R.C.R.T. training, workshops, and courses. This all-encompassing suite is designed for mental health, healthcare, wellness, and healing professionals, offering a synergistic approach that blends the transformative NeuroTriad Model with Fear Reprocessing and Cognitive Resilience Techniques (F.R.C.R.T.). The result is a versatile, evidence-based framework that empowers clinicians to treat a wide spectrum of mental health conditions, from trauma and PTSD to chronic stress, depression, and anxiety, all while paving the way for long-lasting resilience and well-being.

If you’re a mental health, healthcare, wellness, or healing professional committed to revolutionizing your practice and expanding your impact, you’re in the right place. Our all-encompassing suite of training, workshops, and courses in Fear Reprocessing and Cognitive Resilience Techniques (F.R.C.R.T.) goes hand-in-hand with the transformative NeuroTriad Model. This comprehensive, evidence-based approach is designed to empower clinicians and clients alike, addressing not just trauma but also broader mental health considerations.


We are proud to offer On-Demand trainings and courses! Buy now and watch later!

New Opportunities in the Treatment of the Highly Sensitive Person: Neurobiology, Mindfulness & Self-Havening to Empower Regulation and Self-Efficacy
New Opportunities in the Treatment of the Highly Sensitive Person: Neurobiology, Mindfulness & Self-Havening to Empower Regulation and Self-Efficacy
Optimize Your Approach to Working with Highly Sensitive People: Unlock the Neurodevelopmental Secrets and Empowerment Tools for HSPs in Our Interactive Workshop Navigating the unique opportunities and challenges presented by Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) and their specialized nervous systems is an enriching experience for any mindful clinician. HSPs have an innate ability to deeply feel physiological and emotional stimuli, offering them a vivid internal world. While this sensitivity enriches their lives, it also makes them susceptible to stress, sensory overload, and relational misattunement. Are you a mental health or wellness professional looking to specialize in working with HSPs? Join us in our dynamic and interactive workshop designed to delve into the neurodevelopmental underpinnings of the Highly Sensitive nervous system. Gain invaluable insights into empowering your HSP clients to navigate the world with confidence and harness the innate gifts wired into their unique neurology. What You'll Learn: The Neurodevelopmental Foundations of HSP: Gain a solid understanding of the biology and development of the highly sensitive nervous system. Empowering HSPs: Equip yourself with targeted strategies and tools to help HSPs mitigate stress, avoid sensory overload, and form meaningful relationships. Overcoming Negative Self-Beliefs: Discover gentle yet effective techniques to unearth and address the pervasive negative self-perceptions often held by HSPs. Traumatic Stress and Heightened Sensitivity: Learn how to identify and explore the complex interplay between trauma and heightened sensitivity in HSPs. Cultivating a Rich Inner World: Work alongside your HSP clients to deepen their inherent abilities, enabling them to experience life with unparalleled vividness, beauty, and depth. Don't miss this opportunity to become an expert in supporting Highly Sensitive People. Reserve your spot in our interactive workshop today and transform the way you work with this unique population. Course Length: 6.5 Hours


New Innovations in the Treatment of Anxiety - Using Neurobiology, Self-Havening & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Transform Anxiety from Adversary to Ally
New Innovations in the Treatment of Anxiety - Using Neurobiology, Self-Havening & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Transform Anxiety from Adversary to Ally
Anxiety is one of the most common reasons for seeking therapeutic treatment, and yet, it can remain a stubbornly persistent factor in a client’s life despite skilled and mindful treatment. Why? Because anxiety is vital to our survival! Neurobiological processes deep in the brain are constantly working to keep our clients safe and alive. These processes, while benevolently intended, often cause havoc as they fuel catastrophizing fears, ruminating worries, obsessive fears, and a general state of fear of the world. While reasoning with anxiety can be helpful, all too often we may find old habits and fears slipping right back into place, leaving clinician and client alike frustrated and confused. Join us in this exciting and innovative workshop to learn about the fundamental neurobiology of the anxious brain and how to work with anxiety, transforming it back into the ally and protector it is designed to be!\\ Course Length: 6.5 Hours


The Traumatic Grief Neuroplasticity Toolkit: Harnessing Neuroscience to Guide Recovery and Finding New Meaning after Loss
The Traumatic Grief Neuroplasticity Toolkit: Harnessing Neuroscience to Guide Recovery and Finding New Meaning after Loss
This workshop is more than just a learning opportunity; it's a transformative journey into the heart of human emotion, guided by Dr. Truitt's unique combination of scientific knowledge and empathetic understanding. Dr. Truitt, who has herself journeyed through the profound terrain of personal loss, will guide you with a blend of scientific acumen and heartfelt understanding. Her workshops are havens where empirical evidence and the human spirit meet, providing you with tools that not only resonate on a personal level but are also deeply rooted in neuroscientific research. This is your opportunity to learn directly from an internationally recognized expert in Trauma and Resilience, as well as one of the Havening Techniques Developers. Don’t miss this chance to enhance your therapeutic toolkit with interventions that align with the brain's natural processes. You'll emerge from this experience equipped to help your clients navigate their grief with newfound strength and understanding. Join us on this journey, and together, let's transform lives. Your clients are waiting for the healing that your enriched practice can bring. Register now for an educational experience that promises to be as impactful as it is enlightening. Course Length: 6 Hours


Don’t miss the chance to be at the forefront of mental health innovation. Whether you’re focused on trauma care or broader mental health considerations, our F.R.C.R.T. methodology provides a robust toolkit for delivering transformative treatments and building resilient futures. Register today to revolutionize your practice and contribute to the next chapter of mental health and wellness care!